Toward Preclinical Predictive Drug Testing for Metabolism and Hepatotoxicity by Using In Vitro Models Derived from Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Human Cell Lines — A Report on the Vitrocellomics EU-project
Mandenius C-F, Andersson T.B, Alves P.M, Batzl-Hartmann C, Björquist P, Carrondo M.J.T, Chesne C, Coecke S, Edsbagge J, Fredriksson J.M, Gerlach J.C, Heinzle E, Ingelman- Sundberg M, Johansson I, Küppers-Munther B, Müller-Vieira U, Noor F, Zeilinger K.
ATLA 39, 1-25 2011